The Daily Telegraph in UK has written the article on which being entitled“The sun is setting on dollar supremacy, and with it, American power”that With citing an example in 1930s that the collapse of the Pound and the supremacy of the United Kingdom occurred suddenly in 1930s, the decline of U.S.supremacy might be occurred suddenly like the Pound.
But in those days, there was the alternative key-currency"U.S.dollar" against the Pound when the collapse of the Pound occurred. But now, there is not the alternative key-currency against U.S.dollar. ....The Daily Telegraph described.
The sun is setting on dollar supremacy, and with it, American power
BRICs -which aiming at the Multipolar-Establishment on behalf of the monopolar key-currency system with U.S.dollar- is in a hurry to build up the new key-currency system<multipolar-system> for founding the mutual exchange-system with internationalizing their each currency not via U.S.dollar.

The Government of India is in a hurry to internationalizing the Rupee with establishing the offshore market for the first time which selling Rupee-bonds -calculated in Rupee- to foreign investors through consulting with IMF.
India takes big step to internationalise the rupee

The Central Bank of Russia also is in a hurry to internationalizing the Russian ruble as part of liberalizing an exchange dealings of the Russian ruble with establishing the system to intervene into the markets for making provision against being attacked by speculators and an expansion the width of foreign exchange fluctuations.
Russia takes a step towards free float of rouble

The People's Bank of China agreed with the European Central Bank(ECB) to establish the Central bank liquidity swap of 3.5 hundred billion yuan<45 billion euro> between ECB and PBC for implementing an exchange-dealing not via Renminbi and Euro.
China already established the Central bank liquidity swap among other BRICs countries and Emerging Market Economies like Indonesia.
Its sum total has exceeded two trillion yuan.
China, EU agree to swap currencies
George Osborne: China's RMB 'will become as familiar as dollar'

China, EU Agree to 45 Bln Euro Currency Swap
The People's Bank of China
Currency swap
ECB<European Central Bank>
China is the largest holding nation of U.S.government-bonds exceeding Japan.
Economists in China has advised to the Chinese government long before that"U.S.government-bonds are risky, so it is better to keep from buying U.S.government-bonds for making foreign exchange reserves more diverse and varied. But China government has dared to buy U.S.government-bonds because the government has put emphasis on to urge the easing of a hostile policy toward China with taking a vast sum of U.S.government-bonds as a hostage than a riskiness of suffering an economic-loss by U.S.bonds default and depreciation of the U.S.dollar against the Renminbi.
Watch what China does with US debt, not what it says

After the financial crisis disturbance<Government shutdown October 2013> occurred in U.S.A, Economists in the Chinese Communist Party has strengthened without resting the insistence that China should sell the U.S.government-bonds !
Until now, China has bought the U.S.government-bonds. But U.S.A has not stopped a hostile policy toward China.
After this, If U.S.A takes a conciliatory attitude toward China with trying to arrange a détente between the two countries -China and U.S.A- like conceding Russia and Iran.
China will start to think that there is no need to buy the U.S.government-bonds for bringing pressure upon U.S.A. And China will decrease its amount of the U.S.government-bonds.
The collapse of U.S.government-bonds will be brought forward.
Beijing should cut back its lending to Washington
Analysis: U.S. debt ceiling crisis would start quiet, go downhill fast
After the Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, U.S.economy fell into a negative growth with depressing 4% of U.S.economic-growth after a substantial cut-back in expenditure.
U.S.economy is larger as depending on the government expenditure. So, a substantial expending cut has a bad influence on U.S.economy.
The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) has forecasted that a recession will come again by 20% expending-cut of the government expenditure.
If we hit the debt ceiling: Default is unlikely, recession is certain
The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)
October, the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) gave an official notice to all states of America in secret that now the USDA has not a source of revenue, So,the Food Stamp program will be stopped it from November until that the situation be changed.
Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon
Families on food stamps could be cut off soon - no funds for November
The Food Stamp program
The relief measures by U.S.government is circumstantially facing to the crisis.
The number of the unemployed(peoples) and workers who being shifted from a full-time work to a part-time work has increased rapidly.
Obamacare sign-up crash: what's really behind it?
Senator Seitz Moves to Squash Third Parties in Ohio: Fears Democracy May Break Out
Senate Votes To Ban The Libertarian Party From Ohio Election
60% of Americans Want a Third Party Candidate for 2016
Osborne offers red carpet to China